2022 Ethics Conference Committee
Phillip M. Duxbury, Dean for College of Natural Science, duxbury@msu.edu
Leo Kempel, Dean for College of Engineering, kempel@egr.msu.edu
Jenny Carter Johnson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Law, jcj@law@msu.edu
Matt McKeon, Chair, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts & Letters, mckeon@msu.edu
Sriram Narayanan, Kesseler Family Endowed Faculty, narayanan@broad.msu.edu
Johannes M. Bauer, Faculty, Department of Media & Information, Quello Chair in Media and Information Policy, College of Communication Arts and Sciences, bauerj@msu.edu
Robyn Bluhm, Associate Professor, College of Arts & Letters and Lyman Briggs College, rbluhm@msu.edu
Robert Brathwaite, Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor, James Madison College, brathwal@msu.edu
Andrew Christlieb, Professor, Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering, MSU Foundation Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Science, christli@msu.edu
Zachary Dyme, Faculty, College of Osteopathic Medicine, dyme@msu.edu
Andrey Guber, Professor, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, akguber@msu.edu
Devin Higgins, Digital Library Programmer, MSU Libraries, higgi35@msu.edu
Linda Keilman, Associate Professor, Gerontology Content Expert, College of Nursing, keilman@msu.edu
Dennis Kennedy, Interim Director of the Center for Law, Technology & Innovation, College of Law, kenne514@law.msu.edu
Annette O'Connor, Chairperson of the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Professor of Epidemiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, oconn445@msu.edu
Dean Rehberger, Director of MATRIX, Associate Professor, College of Social Science, rehberge@msu.edu
Ann Sheehan, Assistant Professor, Interim Director of Faculty Practice, College of Nursing, sheeha49@msu.edu
Ashton M. Shortridge, Professor and Chair, Department of Geography, College of Social Science, ashton@msu.edu
Anjana Susarla, Omura-Saxena Professor in Responsible AI, Broad College of Business, asusarla@broad.msu.edu
Jiliang Tang, University Foundation Professor, College of Engineering, tangjili@msu.edu
Volodymyr Tarabara, Director, Center for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, International Studies and Programs, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, tarabara@msu.edu
Eric Torng, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Research and Faculty Development, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, torng@cse.msu.edu
Sean Valles, Director, Center for Bioethics & Social Justice, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts & Letters, Lyman Briggs College, valles@msu.edu
Scot Yoder, Associate Professor, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, yodersco@msu.edu